
PCC Short Term Rental Owners Meeting 9/7/2024 @ 10:00am

PCC Board of Directors Meeting 9/8/2024 @ 1:00pm

Note on Billing:
If you pay GWP for more than one lot by a single check, please make sure that they have clear instructions on what amount to apply to each lot.  Overall the best way would be to send separate checks, one for each lot, with the account number on each.  If however you send one check please put all account numbers on the check with the amount that needs to be applied to each lot next to them.


Account XXXXXX-XXX ($XX.XX) and Account XXXXXX-XXX ($XX.XX)

It is really not feasible to send one check for more than 2 lots.

The most common issue we hear feedback on is that “GWP can’t find me in their system”.  There are two remedies to this problem:

1 –  Create an account on www.myguardianwp.com, from which you can check your account details and balance owed, or pay your invoice via Credit/Debit card or Bank ACH.

2 – Call GWP at (800) 444-9283 to inquire or make a payment.  Once you have chosen “1” to make a payment, it is strongly recommended that you choose Option 3 (speak to an agent).  Bear in mind that GWP supports utility billing nation-wide, so they tend to use their most common approach for all customers, which should work fine if you have a water bill with you when you call.  Of course, PCC members are also rather unique in that many of us have NO Street Address assigned to our lots and a significant number of our members do not know their lot number within the Paradise Estates plats.  When a PCC member calls Guardian about their account, they are generally asked for their Account Number.  Your Account Number is printed on your bill and is simply an internal tracking number from GWP.  If you do not have your bill in front of you, you will almost certainly not know this number.  If you don’t know the Account Number, you will generally be asked for your Service Address (the address where your water meter is located).  Because all lots do not have an actual street address, we have had the GWP bills state the following under the service address field:
“Paradise Estates Lot #999”, where your bill would have your actual lot number – rather than “999”.  However, if you call GWP without your bill in front of you and without knowing your lot#, you will need another method of identification.  In this case, you can ask that GWP search by the name you have your lot under, but IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU ASK THEM TO ALSO INCLUDE THE CITY NAME OF ASHFORD, WA.  This is because GWP may serve a myriad of individuals with common names, but we are the only customer in Ashford, WA.

OFFICE HOURS – The PCC Office is located at 151 Nisqually Way, Ashford, WA  98304 and the office is open to members from 1:00pm – 3:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays (Holidays excluded).
Ph: (360) 569-2669

Bavarian Retreat-Paradise Estates Consolidation Feasibility Report-NWSI

Update: Washington State DOH has required PCC to provide additional information before the agency will certify the study is complete.  As of 10/24/23, we are still waiting for DOH to complete their review of this study.

Attention New Owners within Paradise Estates:
Please Review! Quick Reference Sheet – Community Rules
(helpful toward staying in compliance)

Please remember that pets within Paradise Estates need to be on a leash when not in a secured (fenced) area on the dog owner’s lot.  This past year we have experienced several incidents of roaming dogs who charge those walking their own dog.  Prolonged barking has also been a problem in a few areas.  Please be respectful of your fellow members and guests.  Dog violations are to be reported to the Lewis County Sheriff’s office at (360) 740-1105 and PCC office at (360) 569-2669.  Please record the date/time of incident, detailed description of the dog, associated details (roaming, threatening, biting, etc.).  The office will enforce rules/covenants but YOU must be the one to call the Sheriff’s office.

Like many communities throughout the US, we are seeing a significant increase in vacation rentals within Paradise Estates.  While we support well-managed rentals, they are only viable when their tenants adhere to our community rules and covenants.  If you own a rental property within Paradise Estates, you must ensure that your guests are informed regarding them.  We have published the Quick Reference Guide (link above) on this website.  We ask you to print and post in a conspicuous place within your rental units (e.g. Front of Refrigerator).  Laminated copies are available in the PCC office as well.  We also believe that this document is useful for all property owners, so we have sent a copy to everyone with the summer newsletter.  If you are new to our community, stop in to pick one up.

The Speed Limit within Paradise Estates is 25 MPH and is posted as you enter our community.  Lewis County will not provide more signs, nor will they let us post any of our own.

As always, be prepared: Please see the Emergency Management link above!

After the fall storms, there are a lot of branches that have fallen on our lots.  Now is a good time of year to gather them up for hauling away or burning.  You can obtain a free Lewis County Burn Permit online by going to http://lewiscountywa.gov/burn-permit-2